CS2 Items

Osiris | Elite Crew

Osiris | Elite CrewOsiris | Elite Crew


Shattered Web Agents

Item · customplayer_tm_leet_varianth (5106)

This item can be used by Terrorist.



Osiris earned his nickname from passing judgement, often too quickly, on his marks. His reasoning is simple: "When your time is as valuable as mine, why make small talk?" Confident, skilled, and quick to act, Osiris takes pleasure in dispatching targets with unrivaled efficiency. Any objections?


Ground Rebel  | Elite Crew
Ground Rebel | Elite Crew
Prof. Shahmat | Elite Crew
Prof. Shahmat | Elite Crew
The Elite Mr. Muhlik | Elite Crew
The Elite Mr. Muhlik | Elite Crew
Jungle Rebel | Elite Crew
Jungle Rebel | Elite Crew